Monday, June 11, 2007

What is it about Sanibel and Captiva....?

...that makes it so special?

When we came first to Sanibel years ago, we were immediately entranced with the uniqueness we found. Our whole family sensed it and within nine months we trekked down from the northeast again to have a second helping. We come now at least once a year.

Our first impression of the specialness was that it was the canopy of trees that lined the main streets and much of the island- the wispy Australian Pines everywhere. Yes, we read that they were invasive and not native to Sanibel, but nonetheless we assumed it was the shady canopy that gave Sanibel its unique charm, its essence.

And then Charley came and huffed and puffed and blew it all(-most all) down. I came back that year bracing for the worst. And yet, I found Sanibel. The spirit, the essential core was still there. The canopy was gone, but the charm was intact. Sanibel was sunnier, brighter but while different, none of us felt like the loss was a critical loss. So I guess the canopy was not the unique, um, whatever it is about Sanibel.

Then I supposed it was the beaches. Natural, shell-filled, wild. Naturally clean. Not scraped sterile. Certainly this was the essence. And when we came in February, we saw beaches struggling with the aftermath of mainland run-off or perhaps the late effects of Charley- Seaweed. Covering thin and sometimes thick expanses of beach.

And yet, we walked those beaches. Found the shells. Savored the pelicans and occasional dolphin. The week went by quickly as always and again, as always- there was Sanibel. So even if the beach was less than clear, the essence of the island withstood it.

So I don't know. What IS it that makes these islands so easy to fall in love with?

1 comment:

Tourmaline said...

For me, it's a combination of the relaxing feel of the islands, the no pressure life style, and lush environment. And what's missing is even better - over development, high rises and yet another McDonalds.